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Private health and life coaching for women who want to thrive mentally and physically.

feel Good Again.

It's time to

Does this sound like you?

You're dealing with anxiety, weight gain, low energy or hormonal imbalances

You're struggling with body image and self-confidence 

You have a rocky relationship with food that involves restriction, yo-yo dieting or emotional eating

You find it hard to follow through and stay consistent on your health journey

You're following inspirational accounts on Instagram, listening to podcasts, and trying different diets and workout programs, but are stuck on a hamster wheel getting nowhere.

But nothing seems to be working

You Just Want to Feel Healthy & Confident In Your Skin

The #1 reason my private coaching clients have  success is because I teach them about the power of their mindset. Your beliefs about who you are matter when it comes to transforming your health and feeling confident in your skin.

Your thoughts create your feelings. Your feelings drive your actions. Your actions lead to your results.

It's likely right now a lot of your thought patterns and beliefs need to be upgraded to reach your goals! During the program we don't just focus on nutrition and healthy habits, we work from the inside out so you can build self-confidence, break free from the all-or-nothing mindset and experience long lasting change. 

It's time to dig deeper.

I'm a Certified Health Coach on a mission to help women find true health and confidence. I spent all of my late teens and early twenties struggling with anxiety, hormonal imbalances, body image and my relationship with food. It wasn't until I transformed my mindset and rewired my perfectionist brain that I was able to break free and truly thrive mentally and physically. You deserve to feel great and love the skin you're in. Let me help you feel your best!

Online health coach for women

I’m Christy

Overcome stress and anxiety , live in the present moment and experience more joy 

Love what you see in the mirror and gain confidence in who you are

Make peace with food and intuitively nourish your body to lose weight, balance your hormones, and increase your energy

imagine if you could:

I know you doubt if you can ever reach a place where you love what you see in the mirror and FEEL good. Struggling with food, body image and anxiety has ruled your life for years and it feels like it's part of your identity now. But, that couldn't be further from the truth. Sometimes you just need a little support, guidance, and accountability to make changes. That's where I come in.

You're stronger than you think.

guess what?

Break free from the all-or-nothing, perfectionist mindset and maintain your results long term!

Chelsea P.

I've FINALLY gotten a consistent period. I got off anxiety medication. I no longer emotionally eat. I've been able to overcome mindset blocks. Most importantly I've become comfortable in my own skin again and genuinely feel happier. 


Jen W.

Mindset is everything! Christy's support and tools have helped me find myself, lose 20 pounds and conquer things that I never thought were possible. I have finally found comfort in my own skin and I will forever be thankful for that!

Absolutely life changing

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The Holistic Health Makeover Program

Private HEalth & Life Coaching

Every other week we meet on zoom for a 60 minute coaching session. These calls are a safe space for us to work through mindset blocks coming up on your journey and establish the next steps for your goals.

1:1 Coaching Calls

The details

In-between calls you have daily access to me to ask questions, stay accountable and talk things out. You are not doing this alone!

Private Voxer Coaching

After each session you'll receive a recap of what we talked about and a custom plan of action for your nutrition, fitness and self-care so you can stay on track and reach your goals.  

Custom Game Plan

As a 1:1 client you'll get access to all my meal plans, MasterClasses and educational Ebooks . This includes the 12 Day Mind & Body Reset Program, 6 Week Whole Foods Meal Plan, Whole Foods Recipe Ebook, Body Image Journaling Workbook & so much more!

Ongoing Resources

Imagine this...You go through your days feeling calm and present. You feel healthy, full of energy and confident in your skin. You no longer think about food & your body 24/7 and you are living life to the fullest!

what if Six months from now, your life and health looked entirely different?

Are you ready for things to finally change?

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Kayla B.

I’m no longer afraid of the scale, I don’t spend time thinking about food or what I look like anymore. I love that I’ve lost weight without dieting or tracking a single calorie. I learned I am capable of amazing things and big changes. I learned to love myself instead of listen to all of the negative self-talk. Changing my mindset changed everything. 

I feel so at peace.

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Jessie M.

I was able to get my period back, decrease food guilt and lower my stress! I loved working with Christy! Each session was like a mini therapy session. She made me feel so comfortable and never judged my choices when I went off track.  This program was amazing!

I'm stronger than I thought

REVIEW NO. 2 of 2

 we work from the inside out so you see permanent change even after the program is done

mindset based approach

I give you clear action steps so you know exactly what to do to make progress

structure & accountability

I'll be your biggest cheerleader and you have me at your fingertips whenever you need help

support & guidance

Why It Works

client wins

Becky C.

Working with Christy has been fantastic! I dropped 15 pounds during our time together and learned that I can make healthy choices while still enjoying the foods I love. Christy’s knowledge and kind way of sharing it is great. She always made me feel comfortable and the resources she gave me have been invaluable! All of the work we've done lead to healthier, happier me. I am so glad I chose to go with her coaching program!

100% worth the investment

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 I accomplished so many things that I never thought I could - I stopped weighing myself everyday, I started adding days off from working out, I started allowing myself to eat more regularly and without guilt! I loved all the resources available to me. Not only were the nutrition guides and meal programs incredibly helpful, other resources like songs, podcasts, books, bible verses, etc. were always extremely beneficial and Christy ALWAYS provided exactly what I needed in the hardest moments. I really loved how the program was tailored to me - there was no stress or pressure and when things weren't working, we would adjust. This was an incredible program. I can't thank Christy enough for helping me find myself.

I'm finally learning to love myself

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a lot can change in 6 months.

It's time to step into confidence and thrive inside and out!

Are You Ready?

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If you've never invested in a coach or program to better yourself, I know a lot of questions can come up!  These slides will help you determine if this program is right for you. If you have additional questions that aren't addressed on these slides, I'd love to answer them on our discovery call! 

How do I know if coaching is a good fit for me?

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What does the nutrition support look like?

I educate you on how to make well balanced meals, read nutrition facts labels, and tune into your bodies hunger and fullness cues. You will fill out a daily food log which I will review weekly with my feedback  and recommendations based on your goals. Together we will work on recipe ideas, meal planning and meal prepping to set you up for success.

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Is coaching like therapy?

No, coaching and therapy are two different fields. Therapy focuses more on processing events from the past and treating mental health conditions.  While part of our coaching will be exploring how certain beliefs and thought patterns were formed, the majority of our focus will be on taking action in the present moment and building a strong, positive mindset.

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What areas do we focus on in coaching?

Forming positive habits around food, exercise, sleep, and self-care. Our coaching may bleed into other areas of life as well. Everything in life is connected and our habits are often influenced by our relationships, work, season of life, and environment. 

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What goals can you help me achieve?

I specialize in helping women decrease anxiety and stress, improve body image, build self-confidence,  and heal their relationship with food.  Whenever you improve your mental and physical health, it causes a ripple effect!  I've had past clients go on to launch their own businesses, be able to finally get pregnant, and embark on a whole life makeover all because they finally felt good in their body and mind. 

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What is the time commitment?

I understand my clients are busy and juggling a lot of things. Coaching is supposed to benefit your life, not add more stress.  During the program I meet you where you're at with your schedule and energy levels and tailor the program to you. Together we will customize your action steps and make sure they are things that you can confidently execute on. I am a firm believer in little habit shifts making a huge difference! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Allyssa G.

One of the best decisions that I made was investing in myself. Christy challenged me in so many ways and helped me to understand that I am in control of my cravings! I have had symptoms of stomach bloating for so long and after the program I can honestly say it is 95% improved! I learned that I can do anything I put my mind to!

Working with Christy was amazing!


 I catch myself checking myself out in the mirror from time to time and laugh because just a few months ago, I dreaded the mirror. I’m starting to squeeze into single digit jeans again, my GI issues have been under control! I have less urgent feelings, am finding foods that satisfy and taste good, and I realize I have more energy with little or no caffeine! 

The most confident I've felt in years

Joan M.

Christy was with me every single step of the way. She was always texting and on call if I ever needed anything.  I always felt that she made that extra time for me and that she genuinely cared! Y’ abs are coming BACK. I am feeling so much better about myself.

Life changing

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Lauren T.

Throughout each session I was stepping more into what I truly wanted out of life and who I wanted to be and I have been very encouraged to be my authentic self. This was definitely a helpful 3 months in regards to more than just physical health it was beneficial to my mental health as well. 

So encouraging

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Let's get you feeling your best! 

Are you ready?

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